Publish & Network
Create a profile showcase, great tools at your fingertips, and even a publishing team, plus an audience all to yourself. How does it work?
Your own Showcase
Your account comes with its own showcase profile page. Fill out your bio and projects, quotes and anything you want. If you choose to publish articles with Houghton & Mackay, each article will automatically appear on your personal profile “My Articles” section, building a library of your work for others to see. Manage your account profile; showcase your subjects and skills, projects etc. You can also message and connect with other members, create or join groups.

Access discounted advertising on the site, dependent on your membership type*. Advertise your own business, product launch or website to let people know about what you do. In-article and front-page options available. Read more on the Content Marketing page.
Publishing Cred
Publish and develop your repertoire of articles, build your followers, views and ratings. You can use the URL for your Showcase page elsewhere to direct fans and even future employers towards your writing, photos etc. As you develop your membership type will be changed to a more senior title such as Chief Columnist or Correspondent to show on your profile. A further badge of expertise, awarded at the discretion of the magazine exec. Read more about the membership levels here.
Publishing Office
With access the editorial and publishing service, have your articles checked and typeset before it is published to the live global audience. You will have an editorial contact receive a respond to your needs, within working hours or with 24 hours for international (outside the UK). Reach an audience of over 25,000 and a monthly reach of over 5 million people across the globe all to yourself each time you publish.
How to Publish
Writers who wish to have their articles published in Houghton & Mackay are invited to apply through our Biz Hub site. Approved articles are paid £25-£30 (or equivalent, see Terms) once published. Note that admissions are based on quality, relevance of writing and experience, so not all requests are accepted. Not ready to publish? You can still have a profile showcase to manage as you wish.
Membership Levels
All members joining our site start out as an Associate Member. Upgrades to other member levels are at the discretion of the Site Owners and Management and dependent on your participation and number of articles you have published. Read about the membership levels and also See who has already signed up here.
Welcome to your online Showcase and Business card.

*Advertising slots and publishing services are available for all members but discounted for the TEAM MEMBER and EDITOR member tiers. All of the above services and functions are currently free for new members, dependent on size of audience and organizational growth. All membership tiers are free. For single services without an account, such as one-off advertisements or articles, contact: and visit the Content Marketing section. See Terms and Conditions for more information. Writers do not have to have an account to publish with us, simply use the Apply page to submit articles for consideration or email: